John Gallagher

I like to make things that scale.
My résumé.


  • Solr-Kafka - Solr nodes pull updates directly from a queue instead of receiving via push
  • frozenpants - run pants 1.x without pants-specific python dep instability
  • Shapefile Geo - fast, in-memory reverse geocoder.
  • Exceptionator - Exception aggregator.
  • BLE112 - Bluetooth Low Energy projects (iBeacon, Notifications).
  • ThriftFiddle - decode the TBinary wire protocol in your browser.
  • FHttp - immutable request builder for Finagle with multipart and oauth1.
  • fs-slack - give and track kudos in Slack via /++ and /--


  • Solr - search platform
  • Twofishes - a course, splitting geocoder in Scala.
  • Finagle - non-blocking protocol-agnostic RPC system.
  • Graphite - a timeseries db.
